Having your nails done, getting a facial, going to a spa, and or treating yourself to a fine dining experience are all services we want over and over again. These services are pleasurable and it makes one feel special, calm and fulfilled. Having a Lifestyle Organizer going through your belongings, one item at a time, may not sound like a service in the above categories, but most of my clients will tell you it is the greatest service they ever treated themselves to.
Having a home that is organized by a professional house organizer is a luxury service that you will want to experience. Having all your home items categorized and in spaces where they fit and belong makes life easier, helps you function optimally, creates an enhanced productivity and efficiency, and above all your home will look like a model home. Reading books on organizing was a hobby of mine. I read literally hundreds of books and articles on creating a succinct and functional space, so my life could be free from searching for things, losing items, finding them haphazardly, and feeling perpetually frustrated ,like a hamster in a wheel with my stuff. I used many of the tips and ideas for getting organized while organizing my own home. I was able to see what worked and what did not. Some of the ideas made great sense, and some of the tips were for crazy making and not helpful at all. Below is a list of ideas for organizing your self and space that do not work well and ideas that are better
When you are ready for a lifestyle overhaul know that it won’t be the same as going to a day spa and having your body and hair coifed, but in the long run it is something that will last a lifetime and you won’t have to do it more than once if it is done properly and with care. Organizing done well is time spent well and you will feel happy, like a million dollars!
Professional Organizer BlogMarla Stone of I-Deal-Lifestyle™Professional Organizer writes about how to improve your life by improving your environment and how to improve your environment by improving your life Archives
September 2018